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CHERYL BLISS website...
CHERYL on MP3.com...


PHIL KEAGGY Website...

California, United States Listen to one of Cheryl's songs here:    
"All I Was With You"

cheryl.jpg (30508 bytes)I first discovered Daniel Lanois
when I was awakened by U2's The Joshua Tree
in the late '80's.  Here was music that tasted like

nothing I'd had before.

It was strangely lovely and haunting and raw and
invigorating all at once.  Here was a reason to devote
my life to music.   If I could create music that inspired
this amazing, indefinable feeling in its listeners, I
could walk through the next door with my head held high.

Lanois' magical touch became apparent to me as I fell in love with
more and more music that he had had a hand in. When artists chose
him to help produce their albums, I felt, he uncovered their greatest
work.  Peter Gabriel's So, the Neville Brother's Yellow Moon,
Emmylou's Wrecking Ball, Dylan, Robbie Robertson, the list goes on.
I would listen for Dan's trademark telecaster, and search out his work,
both as producer and artist.  I remember how excited I was to discover
his Rocky World video, to hear him discuss what's really important in
making an album, and to see him in action.
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"St. Ann's Gold" is a gorgeous, deceptively simple little song from Dan's
Acadie album. Phil and I went into the studio, and, in the spirit of Lanois,
recorded and mixed the entire song in about 6 hours. We tried to capture
the moodiness and the ethereal beauty that Lanois so effortlessly creates.
The vocals were laid in 2 takes. Phil's amazing playing, I think, does do
Dan justice. We are pleased to be a part of this tribute to the extraordinary
Daniel Lanois.

If you would like to find out more about Cheryl as an artist, and hear
some of her music, check out

violet says tunes for the takin' ekot
fear of lemmings empty grave chris lane
the distance project jordan anomaly
peo hedin richard m smith cheryl bliss with phil keaggy
monica penn markus & janne haavisto
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